
Showing posts from April, 2007

Jan 4 2008 For the Groom

I've been thinking how it will be to see you standing at the end of the aisle looking for your bride, anticipating the smile which I'm sure will stretch your face I've been contemplating the dance that you'll step along with her stride knowing you've practiced more than I did for this wild ride that starts out so smoothly I wish I could tell you that it's all just like that day But you've seen enough to not believe that anyway and so perhaps you've learned. That with the better comes the worse with the richer comes the poorer with sickness comes health. and when the dark wind is at the door, you will need a light inside. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

The kid is getting married

I should have known that an invitation prefaced "I want to spend time with my Dad" might have something secretive buried Something good, of course, not something bad It came: "Amy and I want to get married" Within my heart the confidence came that now was the time To see in him a future not mine To live but to observe from here *photo taken by me, Camera: Nokia N70