eve of

Barry told us in 65
We were looking at destruction

Here we are squeezing out
Forty extra years or more

Here I am still alive
Speed along in a new direction
Things looking better now
Always another open door
I'm on the eve, I'm on the eve
of a transformation
Tell me over and over and over again
Go ahead, tell me like a friend
that there's a road
headed for redemption
Zimmie said the answer
is coming on the morning breezes
And we don't have to count
How many ways things happen

Hold on to your hat sirs
That melody always teases
us into letting guards down
and loving what we've been handed
I'm on the eve, I'm on the eve
of a transformation
Tell me over and over and over again
Go ahead, tell me like a friend
that there's a road
headed for redemption

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Anonymous said…
This is truly excellent. One of your best! :)

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