arrogantly naive
deep in the shadow
in the cleft of the rock
I've hidden my trinkets there
no one can find them
and no one can see
as for me, I don't care
if they are stumbled upon
escape or are searched out
it matters not a whit to me
though I know what they are
and I have stowed them away
I remain arrogantly naive
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
in the cleft of the rock
I've hidden my trinkets there
no one can find them
and no one can see
as for me, I don't care
if they are stumbled upon
escape or are searched out
it matters not a whit to me
though I know what they are
and I have stowed them away
I remain arrogantly naive
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