lookin for you

Left my truck out in the lot
Left to find myself and what have I got?
A luckless, truckless loser lookin for you

Heard the poet making up a rhyme
Heard him say I was a man out of time
A late and lonely loser lookin for you

But now I've found you
I don't need what I had
Now I've found you
There's nothing quite as bad
as looking over my shoulder
and thinking 'bout all of that

Put my guitar back in its case
changed the strings, but a bit too late
An out-of-tune loser lookin for you

Put down the very best book
Didn't give it another serious look
An unhooked, unbooked loser lookin for you

I don't need what I had
Now I've found you
There's nothing quite as bad
as looking over my shoulder
and thinking 'bout all of that

Life Here & Now
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Anonymous said…
you should never judge a book by it's cover...could be the best book you ever read.

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