We each ( Popeye, God and me)

"I yam what I yam, and that's all I yam," says the graphite muscle man
As the unmoved mover of all that's in motion listens and waits to see

If anyone else in any other place or in a particular time
Will also understand.

I'll risk repeating the query: "What am I, that you think of me?"
But I know the answer is scrawled on the paper, imprinted by human hand
That I am what I am, and that's all I am, being and watching
You make me more of me.

*stock photo, ulead library


Anonymous said…
The statement goes back to the real Popeye character in the comic strips, a superhero, not the clownish figure of the TV cartoons. I recall one episode when Popeye himself is asking what it means. He looks up “yam” in the dictionary and finds it is a synonym for sweet potato. In the last box he proclaims “I sweet potato what I sweet potato”

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