35000 feet and climbing

Rumble hum vibrate some
Lets take off together
Sky blue pale, settin sail
Into brighter weather

Lets run and fly, work hard and try:
climb to the next level
Wipe the cheek and tear, hold to hugs so dear,
as the angels revel.

Climbing still, drinking fill,
yes we will stretch fully, languid reposer
Grow farther in love, race faster above, a fitted glove
nestled ever closer.

Holding on to fabric though prone to tear
Reclining beneath stars breaking through clear
grasping a moment that is simply there
in the heights we achieve

and we will be at thirty five thousand and climbing
at forty seeking the depths of perfect timing
always on to the next level
where we find joy living under turmoil's bevel

photo taken with Nokia E61i at 30,000 feet from the window of a Boeing 737-700


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