every boy has a girl next door

Every little boy has a girl next door
who makes his smile grow when she comes out to play

she lets him play the hero
waits for him to rescue her
she lets him build her dolls a house in the sand
shares her milk and Oreo
gives him the last one
when she dresses up he gets to hold her hand

But while the boy plays games in his own little world
That girl next door grows up and moves away.


Anonymous said…
dynamite Joel! This has the makings of a "real" (i.e. worthy of publication) poem. There's a lot going on in those brief, succinct lines. The last line conveys a lot of sentiment without seeming sentimental or sacharrine. It's delivered with a light touch but hits you with a punch.

This poem "works" because it has the feel of something that just came to you and you wrote it down. The insight is meaningful because it doesn't sound like it's trying too hard to be profound.
The breezy tone set me up for the surprize ending, which had all the more impact for being unexpected.

Kent H

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