Memo: What I Need

Memo to: self
RE: Things I need

It has come to my attention that you keep forgetting what I need, and you inevitably start paying more attention to things I don't need. Please use this list to help you stay focused.

  • Honest speech: I'm not just talking about telling facts - I'm talking about honestly saying what you're feeling -- and honestly identifying what you may unconsciously express when you talk. If the language to label these feelings is a problem, use a dictionary.
  • Regular exercise: That would be three times a week, not 4 times a month!
  • Starry nights: I need to get out and gaze upward, for inspiration, for humility, and for fun.
  • Application of the lessons: I've been through a lot of schooling, and need to stay focused on putting it into practice, no matter how tough it is.
  • A hand to hold: I just do, that's all.
  • A Stetson: Maybe I'm trying to replace the one my grandfather had, and was passed down to me and got....well it's gone now.
  • A band of musicians: I need one that will play real music, about real life, and have real fun doing it. Oh, and they have to let me play along!
  • Time with friends and loved ones.
  • A comfy couch, suitable for popcorn and movies...

Now the list isn't complete, but these are good places to start. Thanks for your focus.



Anonymous said…
What a smart thing... Why do I tend to wait for someone else to identify what I need? And, then, am crushed when they don't? Why do I expect someone else to care more about me than I do? Is it because I think it wrong to acknowledge my needs and wants? Or, if I don't identify them, I'm not really responsible? How can I blame loved ones for inaccurate mind-reading and response to that read??

Even if someone were an excellent mind-reader, it must be extra difficult when the targeted mind hasn't formulated clearly?

Thanks.... :)
Anonymous said…
And it's all about you, huh?

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