you're making me ADD (sung with a twang)

I used to be a pretty laid back fella
I could sit doin nothin for hours
But from the first time I saw ya, I gotta tell ya
I've felt the dizzyin e-ffect of your womanly powers

Now I can't sit still for nothin
Always thinkin up things to do for you
And every time I come up with somethin
I instantly drop everything else I have to do

I've been driven past the brink of distraction
Right to the edge of insanity
It's gotta be more than physical attraction
Your sweet deep love is makin me ADD
Your smilin eyes get my heartbeat racin
Your sweet talk just puts a charge in me
And it doesn't matter which way you're facin
Everything about you creates hyperactivity!

Used to get things done as a 9-to-fiver
Now it takes me three times as long
You've gone and made me a distracted driver
Every time the radio plays our favorite songs

My friends say I'm acting like a space cadet
Wonder what the heck is happening to me
Everything 'bout you is everything I can't forget
Electrodes can't track all this brain activity
I've been driven past the brink of distraction
Right to the edge of insanity
It's way way more than physical attraction
Your sweet deep love is makin me ADD


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