the 26th of December

she's walkin back into a world
she left, but couldn't leave behind --
a world her heart knows, though she pushes it out of mind.
tried to heal the memories and let them make her strong,
but it comes back at her like it was waiting all along.

the bittersweet of homecoming
mixed with smells of pumpkin spice,
the hugs of family love,
and the comments that cut twice.
the vivid memories
that no one else seems to remember --
that's why she's always looking
for the 26th of December

not a big deal to be on a plane, she's not afraid to fly.
when that plane is headed home,
she takes the Baileys when it comes by.
every piece of clothing she's put in her suitcase
was chosen with her mother's words
and the look on daddy's face

the bittersweet of homecoming
mixed with smells of pumpkin spice,
the hugs of family love,
and the comments that cut twice,
the vivid memories
that no one else seems to remember--
that's why she's always looking
for the 26th of December

she's standing in the driveway,
hand on the door of the rental car.
wanting to walk right in,
wanting to drive away and run far.
as the front door opens up,
her thumb types a word and hits send.
she says one prayer to heaven, and sends one to a friend.

cos the bittersweet of goin home
is mixed with smells of pumpkin spice,
the hugs of her family's love,
with comments that cut twice.
she holds the vivid memories
that no one else seems to remember --
that's why she's always looking
for the 26th of December

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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