song of the midwest

When I was just a small boy surrounded by corn fields
I wondered what went on in lands with mountain-rocks and hills
I figured that somewhere the flat lands had to end
And that someday I'd find it beyond the river's bend

On my daddy's shoulders, lookin for arrowheads
In the black-earth furrows, singing of adventures long dead
But still I kept on dreaming that somewhere far beyond
Adventures really happen, the kind that end up in my dad's song

It's every Midwestern boy's dream to go farther west
Caught between the town and range, not sure what's the best
To watch the mountains rise up from the fertile ground
To gaze at endless skies, the wind making its famous sounds

And when the day finally comes that I put hat and my boots on
I pray I'm lucky enough to find everything my dad sang in his songs


michelle said…
I did always feel sorry for those poor children of the midwest!
Anonymous said…
flatlanders have great insight, because they can see farther

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