here in mid america

Hot dusty summers and gooseberry pies
Wild dogs in the corn, puffy blue skies,
The warm crispy sheet after it hangs and dries
Gettin the pump primed after fifteen tries

That sweet smell from the hog farm across the way,
Gettin caught in Deere lights at the end of the day.
Not minding the comments that some folks say
Bowing our heads before the meal to pray.
And it was right here in mid-America
far beyond suburbia's sprawl
In mid-Illinois right next to Iowa
Yes we were poor, but we had it all

Cos we grew up knowing exactly what it takes
to live and love and do it well
and celebrate everything in life that makes
a story that's worth the tellin to tell

Midwinter night trips to the outhouse chill
Shooting pigeons off the silo down at the mill
Flirtin with the girls from up in the window sill
Too afraid to ask her even if I know she will

Went to the big city to go to school
Found out that farm boys weren't that cool
I learned a lot of stuff and became a fool
When I forgot one simple rule
Ya gotta know exactly what it takes
to live and love and do it well
and celebrate everything in life that makes
a story that's worth the tellin to tell

Keep your heart here in mid-America
Don't get sucked in by suburban malls
No matter where you are you just have to
Keep your spirit poor and gain it all

Yes it was right here in mid-America
far beyond suburbia's sprawl
In mid-Illinois right next to Iowa
Yes we were poor, but we had it all

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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