she's a skater

when the weather got cold, and the ground got hard
they'd make us a pond on the grass in the park
and we'd trade our boots for skates with silver blades
and warm up with the best hot chocolate ever made
the first time I saw her go speeding by
her golden hair flowing, her leg back and high
her long knit scarf almost dragging the ground
her smile flashing as she started spinning around
I stood there in awe, I'm sure my jaw dropped
People zipped by complaining that I had stopped
In the middle of it all, but I didn't care
Everything seemed frozen when I saw her there
she's a skater, see her go by
as graceful as birds in the sky
changed me like a choctaw turn
taught me things I can not unlearn
she's a skater, don't ever wonder
It's not confusing why I loved her
It's just because
It's what she was
she's a skater
Those winter days are gone, other memories fade
But I'll never forget the red flash her coat made
And the breeze I inhaled as she sped past
Made my head light, made my heart gasp
I never learned to skate, still can barely stand
Unless someone's there to hold my mittened hand
But I still lace them on, I keep the blades sharp
Hoping she'll skate back to warm this cold heart
she's a skater, see her go by
as graceful as birds in the sky
changed me like a choctaw turn
taught me things I can not unlearn
she's a skater, don't ever wonder
It's not confusing why I loved her
It's just because
It's what she was
she's a skater
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
they'd make us a pond on the grass in the park
and we'd trade our boots for skates with silver blades
and warm up with the best hot chocolate ever made
the first time I saw her go speeding by
her golden hair flowing, her leg back and high
her long knit scarf almost dragging the ground
her smile flashing as she started spinning around
I stood there in awe, I'm sure my jaw dropped
People zipped by complaining that I had stopped
In the middle of it all, but I didn't care
Everything seemed frozen when I saw her there
she's a skater, see her go by
as graceful as birds in the sky
changed me like a choctaw turn
taught me things I can not unlearn
she's a skater, don't ever wonder
It's not confusing why I loved her
It's just because
It's what she was
she's a skater
Those winter days are gone, other memories fade
But I'll never forget the red flash her coat made
And the breeze I inhaled as she sped past
Made my head light, made my heart gasp
I never learned to skate, still can barely stand
Unless someone's there to hold my mittened hand
But I still lace them on, I keep the blades sharp
Hoping she'll skate back to warm this cold heart
she's a skater, see her go by
as graceful as birds in the sky
changed me like a choctaw turn
taught me things I can not unlearn
she's a skater, don't ever wonder
It's not confusing why I loved her
It's just because
It's what she was
she's a skater
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License
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