
she walked onto the job with a clipboard in her hands
the boys and I figured she was looking to command
but with her in those high heels and that pink hard hat
we figured she would learn it wasn't gonna work like that
this must be the new supe that the boss has found
but ain't no way this dame will boss me around

when she asked her first question, it was easy to see
she didn't know construction, but she sure knew me
knew when I hedged the schedule to keep a few days free
knew every time I dodged and where I was hiding
when she walks, her shoes and jewelry go clickity clack
I know it sounds crazy, but I think I like it like that
Now She's the one I want to supervise me
I want to let her know that I'm aiming to please
when she looks over those glasses with those cool green eyes
I want to start doing everything right
she rules with her smile, keeps us on track with her charm
and best of all, when day's done, she takes my arm
we head on home open the garage and park the car
she kicks off those shoes, turns off the alarm
meets me on the couch, under the twirling fan
and after a bit we're smiling and holding hands
Now She's the one I want to supervise me
I want to let her know that I'm aiming to please
when she looks over those glasses with those cool green eyes
I want to start doing everything right
she's got my name written there on the clipboard
I've been circled, starred and double underscored
Now She's the one I want to supervise me
I want to let her know that I'm aiming to please
when she looks over those glasses with those cool green eyes
I want to start doing everything right

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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