love remains

there's a phrase running through my mind
that I once heard you say
i hold on to it every day
and i will for all time

a simple word of kindness
a forgiving nod toward me
compassion for my blindness
instructions to help me see
when you said "love will always be here,
love will always remain
though at times, it won't always be clear
love is always the same."
I know when it comes to loving
I'm lacking in so many ways
in my words and my deeds
I end up causing pain

you loved me and you taught me how
the only way I'm going to learn
is to love only you now
and let you heal all the hurt
when you'll say "love will always be here,
love will always remain
though at times, it won't always be clear
love is always the same."
i'll find the love unfailing
i'll find the love built to last
love that survives the nailing
only True Love can do that
and I'll say "love will always be here,
love will always remain
though at times, it won't always be clear
love is always the same."

Love will always be here
Love will always remain

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Unknown said…
I was catching up on your blog, & was wondering: have you read your earlier pieces lately? Can you see the growth? Especially liked the one about the old & new guitars....have you put any of these to music yet? When do I get to hear them?

Love, Marti

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