a love this deep

I have never known a love this deep,
never known a love so sure
can I tap into this love's strength
to make all my loves endure?

Can I find the key that's drawn me?
Know why I made this choice?
The devotion and the longing
that weary my weeping voice?

Beyond mere emotion,
"love is an ability."
Perhaps my heart's implosion
can set all of us free.
When I take my choice to love you
make that choice o'er and o'er again
I will be a better lover too
and be your better friend.

Posted mobile from Nokia E61i
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Mariaelena said…
"A Love This Deep"
My favorite line.."love is an ability"
The ability to give all our love without expecting anything in return

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