danger in loving you

Feelin set in my ways,
Livin in my own groove
Tomorrow's like yesterday
Didn't plan to make a move
I like things just this way

Then you came along
Gave me the divine smile
Got me humming your songs
I know it took me a while
To realize what's goin on
I might find out who I am
Have to do it all again
Find myself becoming a better man
there's a danger in loving you

This is not at all
What I expected it to be
I'm in a free fall
What's gonna happen to me
There's a danger in loving you
I might find out who I am
Have to do it all again
Find myself becoming a better man
there's a danger in loving you

each day is a shout
of your amazing love
I'm in the process now
of giving back some
of all you've given me

you've made love fun
you've made me see
just what needs to be done
you've turned me around completely
yours is a dangerous love
I might find out who I am
Have to do it all again
Find myself becoming a better man
there's a danger in loving you
This might be how I live
all the rest of my days
This might be why I give
up so much praise
I like the danger in loving you
There's a danger in loving you

(admittedly inspired by the title of Tom Howard's song "Danger in Loving You")
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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