a song

There's a song a-brewing in my heart
An old tune with familiar lines
and as I play it out on my guitar
I remember that this song is mine

A song I sang when I was young
A song that made me glad
A song that tripped right off my tongue
And I sang it every time I had the chance
It's a song about the mountains
A song about my pond
It's a song about the girl next door
And all my heart's going ons
It's a song that I left in the past
taped to the backside of the door
It's the reason I have my guitar and
It's the song I'll sing once more

I'll play it with a down-home beat
That will turn us all around
I'm hoping it will move your feet
And you'll find me here and now
It's a song about the mountains
A song about my pond
It's a song about the girl next door
And all my heart's going ons
It's a song that I left in the past
taped to the backside of the door
It's the reason I have my guitar and
It's the song I'll sing once more

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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