forever on my mind

I'm drifting off once again
That far away look in my eyes
Few see what's been happenin
Even those that do don't fully realize

Exactly what your love has done for me
Or what it has yet to do
How it brings me back to reality
Or how much I love you

it's forever on my mind
if you ask me, you will find
I'm forever thinking of the end game

it's changing the way I see
makes me think of more than me
makes sure that I won't be the same

it's true, I'm thinking of me and you
with forever on my mind
I've spent days planning
For just a few months ahead
I've looked at right where I'm standing
And never considered where I've been

right from the start, You have loved me
sweet love I didn't deserve
and when all around me things are crumbling
that love's a power that preserves
it's forever on my mind
if you ask me, you will find
I'm forever thinking of the end game

it's changing the way I see
makes me think of more than me
makes sure that I won't be the same

it's true, I'm thinking of me and You
with forever on my mind

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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