summer days when I'm gone

the wind blows, messing everyone's hair
reminds me that you're not here
everyone knows my mind is far away
they see you're making me be this way
a daydreamer under a summer sky
a space cadet with glazed eyes
checked out of everything
just thinking about you and me
a voice speaks, asking a question
I don't reply; not paying attention
hands reach, wanting me to shake them
my heart cries, feels like it's breakin
a daydreamer under a summer sky
a space cadet with glazed eyes
checked out of everything
wondering about you and me
the keys click, I'm writing a letter
i'm going to try to make this better
there's no trick to not missing you
just fly home, I'll be kissing you
a daydreamer under a summer sky
a space cadet with glazed eyes
checked out of everything
longing for you and me
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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