hear you again

so good to hear your voice again
forgot what a comfort sweetness can be
though it was simple, a "hello", a "how ya doin?'
something in your voice did something to me

maybe it's the way you say my name
maybe it's just the fact that without you I'm not the same
I can try, but I can't promise that this will ever end
I want to hear you again
saw you from the corner and
waiting for the arrow to turn green
you stretched while you were talkin
that smile used to be caused by me
maybe it's the way you say my name
maybe it's just the fact that without you I'm not the same
I can try, but I can't promise that this will ever end
I hope to see you again
read there in the Tribune
about all the great things you get done
they just can't seem to stop talking about you,
so proud of you; they're not the only ones
maybe it's the way you say my name
maybe it's just the fact that without you I'm not the same
I can try, but I can't promise that this will ever end
I hope to read about you again
yeah, so good to hear you again
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Anonymous said…
You have an amazing gift for giving words to sensitive situations that most of us would just blubber our way through. I'm impressed.
the author said…
Thank you so much! It is so so gratifying to know that what I've written says something that someone else is feeling, has said, would like to have said -- or maybe will help them say. Though I do inject myself into these, they certainly aren't all autobiographical. I often start writing based upon a vignette I see -- people at the store, the library, on the street. Words and phrases I hear also trigger a thought. Glad to know that you are connecting with it!

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