leavin no trace

You won't see me go,
You won't notice when I slip away
Through the back door to the porch
Past the dogs and through the gate

I'll take my junk,
I'll grab my clothes and guitar
Leave the rest untouched
Find out what's in store.
I'll leave no trace behind
I'll not litter up your life
with memories of arguments
or plans that came undone
I'll wipe the slate clean
It's already happening
I can't see myself in your face
I'm gonna leave no trace

Rounding the bend
usery and superstition flank me
new beginnings from an end
everyone will blame me
I'll leave no trace behind
I'll not litter up your life
with memories of arguments
or plans that came undone
I'll wipe the slate clean
It's already happening
I can't see myself in your face
I'm gonna leave no trace
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Anonymous said…
Is it really possible to touch a person's life and expect to leave no trace? Maybe it's just wishful thinking .

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