hey there

Hey there, how d'ya do?
All day long, I be thinkin 'bout you
How you make me smile in the night
How you laff
How I like it like that
How you make everything feel right

Hey there, what's your name?
Is it one ya think ya might change?
Is that possibility in sight?
Shall we dance?
Now I like it like that
And you make everything feel right
There's somethin so very disarming
About you girl
Not just being mister charming,
I think I wanna give this here love-thing
a raucous, righteous whirl
Hey there, where ya goin?
Does your destination have a name?
What if I can't pronounce it right?
Can I tag?
Cos I like it like that
And you make everything feel right.

Hey there, what ya think?
Can ya drink and not spill a drop?
Sip this potion all through the night?
Share a bit?
That's the way I like it
And everything is turning out right
There's somethin so very disarming
About you girl
Not just being mister charming,
I think I wanna give this here love-thing
a raucous, righteous whirl

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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