running home

I"m running home to you, honey
As fast as I can
Stuck here in traffic
And it's drivin me mad

Wish I had a hovercraft
to float above it all
Land there on the couch
and sing you these songs
nothing's gonna stop me
some things might slow me down
it won't be too long baby
till I'll be hanging round
pestering you in the kitchen
while we try to cook
a passing kiss, a subtle wink
hey, I'll be there real soon
Another storm is coming
'tween this airport and home
a flight delay, a re-route
leaves me out here all alone

if I could call on Scotty
"beam me into her arms"
I could leave this mess behind me
and be surrounded by your charms
nothing's gonna stop me
some things might slow me down
it won't be too long baby
till I'll be hanging round
pestering you in the kitchen
while we try to cook
a passing kiss, a subtle wink
hey, I'll be there real soon
Don't forget to start the coffee
and hold a place for me
Grab your favorite book
The one you like for me to read

when I finally get there, darlin
I know I'll be late
It's not for lack of trying
And it's more than I can take
nothing's gonna stop me
some things might slow me down
it won't be too long baby
till I'll be hanging round
pestering you in the kitchen
while we try to cook
a passing kiss, a subtle wink

hey, I'll be there real soon
(originally composed 9/11/08)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Anonymous said…
I like "Running Home". It describes the feelings in the beginning, when your love for that person is still urgent.

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