the story

there's nothing left to say
there's no more to tell
the story's been told before
it's been told very well

not sure what I could add
what color or what flair
I could really find
that's not already there
it's a story about loving
a story about a smile
a tale about living with the gift of a child
it's the one story from which all else derive
its the ancient story that's still alive
everyone has heard it sung
the song has been played
the melody is fit to hum
and for whistling away

symphonies have been composed,
sonnets, verse and psalms,
because all the poets know
the potency of the song
it's a song about loving
a song about a smile
a tale about living with the gift of a child
it's the one song from which all else derive
its the ancient singing that's still alive

I want to be part of that story
I want to join in the song
I've heard creation imploring
the rest of us to sing along
it's a song about loving
a story about a smile
a song about living with the gift of a child
it's the one story from which all else derive
its the ancient singing that's still alive

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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