under the sun

"nothing new under the sun"
that's what you told me
I thought you were lots of fun
When you showed me
sometimes the same old things are what we need

always got bored in school
tired of the same sack lunch
working at this job is so mundane

wanting a brand new car
buy a new pair of jeans
always a better, newer game

but when it comes to love
you've shown me what's true
the best things stay the same

"nothing new under the sun"
that's what you told me
I thought you were lots of fun
When you showed me
sometimes the same old things are what we need

it's the way you love me
fresh every single day
yet never changing a bit

it's in the way you look
when you're looking at me
and i finally start to get it

so go ahead and tell me
what you told me before
I think now I really believe it

"nothing new under the sun"
that's what you told me
I thought you were lots of fun
When you showed me
sometimes the same old things are what we need

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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