foil a sinner's prayer

In a moment of weakness,
She walked right through the door
somebody had left it open
Just to tempt her to go inside

It was just an opening,
not much more than a crack
But it was just as much as
if they had left it open wide
too much to handle
too much to bear
too much to keep away
from the dangers lurking there

a liar's imagination
never has cares
the best of intentions
foil a sinner's avoided prayer
he had no directions,
he just wandered aimlessly
looking for the fun times
he had been promised along the way

It's not that he was lazy
this fellow wasn't dumb
he just wanted everything
and avoid the prices we all must pay
too much to handle
too much to bear
too much to keep away
from the dangers lurking there

a liar's imagination
never has cares
the best of intentions
foil a sinner's avoided prayer
down on their knees crying
ashes all around
tearing up the sackcloth
wanting so badly to see God's face

the roots of their betrayal
are right there inside
staring back in the mirror
held up by the eternal hand of grace
too much to handle
too much to bear
too much to keep away
from the dangers lurking there

a liar's imagination
never has cares
the best of intentions
foil a sinner's avoided prayer

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Anonymous said…
This is phenomenal. Dark, with incite and meaning! Very good!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
this is to the point of many issues it is great

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