no pleasing you

Like an exit ramp that's closed
Shut off for the season
Like a talk-show host who thinks he knows
but can't give a reason
Like a politician talking tax breaks
but we know he's teasin
girl, there's just no pleasin
There's no pleasin you

Like not sweating in the Sahara
by wearing an extra shirt
Like wanting to make you care
by forgetting how it hurts
Like dousing all the wildfires
by applying a little squirt
girl, there's just no pleasin
There's no pleasin you
like John said
"you say you will when you won't"
there's what's left
of Titanic's life boats
you know, you know it's true
there's just no pleasing you
like keeping a cone from dripping
under the August sun
like hearing the gears start slipping
when you're towing a ton
like the king who's out pimping
his own mother's regal son
there's just no pleasing
that's why we're leaving
girl, there's just no pleasing you
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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