the ones that we seek

I want to chase the breezes
down from the mountains where everything is black and white
to where the fragrance teases
there in the valley: I'll find you, yes it'll be alright
I'll find you, yes it'll be alright
like the rain falling on the desert sages
like the moon shining over Superstition's peak
our life goes on as we add new pages
and the answers that come are the ones that we seek
I left my girl standing
in the water,
waist high, learning how to fish
She lived next door and she's
a banker's daughter -- when I see a star, she's my one big wish
when I see a star, she's my one big wish
like the rain falling on the desert sages
like the moon shining over Superstition's peak
our life goes on as we add new pages
and the answers that come are the ones that we seek
now that I'm old
and the days are changing
there are some things I want to see again
stories re-told
and no more of this blaming
a chance to hold the hands of my friend
a chance to hold the hands of my friend
like the rain falling on the desert sages
like the moon shining over Superstition's peak
our life goes on as we add new pages
and the answers that come are the ones that we seek

the answers that come are the ones that we seek
the answers that come are the ones that we seek
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Anonymous said…
Yes and why can't we live our lives again ,knowing what we know now?
I can hear a tune in my head as I read your words. Lovely, you.

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