yup yup yup

Last time we got together
That time you were sitting right here
Wasn't like we'd been missing each other
Wasn't like it all wasn't clear

I know I'm not real quick on the draw
but I know a thing or two
It didn't take much to see what I saw
The last time I saw you

You were movin on,
Movin up
You were on to better things
yup, yup, yup
Didn't feel as bad
As you'd think it might
Cos I was moving on too
I guess that makes everything all right

We nodded and smiled over coffee
Chatting like the day was long
No wait, you were drinking Chai Tea
That's when I knew something was wrong

You had that same smile on your face
Your eyes had a different look
You thought I had some kinda love-struck gaze
But I was reading you like a good book

You were movin on,
Movin up
You were on to better things
yup, yup, yup
Didn't feel as bad
As you'd think it might
Cos I was moving on too
I guess that makes everything all right
Life Here & Now
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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