
there's just something
about fallen kings
that makes the citizenry
shout for joy or cry out

paupers who line up
see all the right stuff
when a prince's end comes
he'll only let them down
under the best of conditions
with a backdrop of magician's
slighted left hand
hard to see what happens
or locate the stand-ins
who really understand
noble steeds make
the noblemen ache
to ride throughout the day
without feeling it a bit

and when princes fall
the end of it all
comes with an awe
that can redeem it
under the best of conditions
with a backdrop of magician's
slighted left hand
hard to see what happens
or locate the stand-ins
who really understand

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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