a song

Is there a song
Just one song
That I can sing?
One that's true,
All about you,
That keeps you close to me?

Not a sad song,
or a tale of woe
Not forlorn blues?

Is there a song I can sing
That will keep me close to you?

It's a song of praise,
Of excellence,
Full of grace and truth.

A song of thanks,
of forgiveness,
of beauty and good.

I'll sing a song
Just one song
you give me to sing
One that's true
all about you
that keeps you close to me.

That keeps me close to you
That keeps you close to me
That's the song...
That's the song...
That's the song I'll sing.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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