what's with that?

you said you would be right back
you said it wouldn't be long
you told me it was alright
when you left, singing a song

I heard a destination in your voice
I heard a plan you didn't speak
I heard what you were thinking
though you couldn't say it to me
what's with that?
where do you get off breaking my heart?
you left me flat --
with no room for another start
what are you doing, mister?
What's with that?
you said you'd never go
you said, "I'm here to stay"
you said, but I should have known
It wouldn't be staying that way

I watched you get bored real fast
I watched you start to slide
I watched you and as time passed
there wasn't anything you could hide
what's with that?
where do you get off breaking my heart?
you left me flat --
with no room for another start
what are you doing, mister?
What's with that?
I thought you would be different
I thought you would understand
I thought you would be less distant
Than every other rambling man

I guess I saw it before it hit me
I guess I could have ducked
I guess things could turn differently
If I had some better luck
what's with that?
where do you get off breaking my heart?
you left me flat --
with no room for another start
what are you doing, mister?
what are you doing, mister
What's with that?

Life Here & Now
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Anonymous said…
Gone like a soldier in the Civil War:Bang Bang!
Anonymous said…
very nice stated & yes, things will happen & there will be surprises in life for all of us. However, I was always told that things will happen for a reason and rather than questioning it, just learn from them & move on... and yes, it will hurt but it is a priceless experience &hopefully, we could teach our kids so they don't go thru the same pain that we were.

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