Facebook rag

Is there a FaceBook App that can bring my girl back to me?
Is there any way to stop my heart from breaking
Every time she tweets?

Her status is set to "single"
She makes no mention of me
She won't take any of my quizzes
and ignores my poking
I'm doing a search now, cos I've got to see
Is there a Facebook app that can bring my girl back to me?

When I first logged on, she was such a big fan
Sent me super-hugs and made sure I was tagged
We did everything together, like joining the cause
"Save Dogs Named Toto from the Wizard of Oz"
Somebody please help me get back on her page
Don't think I can take this for one more day

Is there a Facebook app to bring my girl back to me?
I'm doing a search now, cos I've got to see
If there's a way to keep my heart from breaking
Is there a Facebook app to bring my girl back to me?
Life Here & Now
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Anonymous said…
this is a very sad scenario

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