everything coming to us

way back
way back
way back down in the holler

we sat
we sat
we sat hidin from our father

cos we knew we'd get
everything coming to us

just down
just down
just down the road a piece

we found
we found
we found ourselves one of these

and we knew we'd get
everything coming to us
if it's luck or if it's work
doesn't really matter
if it's coming our way
it's just gonna happen
destiny or fate
maybe random karma
we're getting
everything coming to us
I know
I know
I know I don't deserve this thing

I stand
I stand
I stand in a flowing grace-stream
if it's faith or if it's work
doesn't really matter
if it's coming our way
it's just gonna happen
not destiny or fate
not even random karma
we're getting
everything coming to us
we're getting
everything coming to us
Life Here & Now
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


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