the first watch

Out on the edge of the desert,
where the cactus is in full bloom
and the yowling of the coyotes
never seems to startle the moon.
Under the stars in the Sonoran sky
wakeful eyes avoid being caught
by those who seek and destroy --
and this is just the first watch

In the deep shadow of Ozark hill,
Spruce surround the air with green
While bandit eyes, unknowing, realize
The glory built into all made things.

White-tail alert and statuesque still,
Watchful eyes avoid being caught
by those who seek and destroy,
and this is just the first watch.

Over and through and beyond all
One holds out a protecting hand
To keep back the scourge of recklessness
Borne of ignorance few can understand

Loving, caring, forgiving it still
Watchful eyes hope to be caught
by those who seek and destroy
during this, His eternal watch.

Life Here & NowThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


Anonymous said…
very descriptive...kind of a "deer in the headlights" tale. Good write!

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