Lost my Stetson in the wind

Lost my Stetson in the wind
On a rocky mountain climb
Couldn't get it back again
And eventually I'll stop trying
Never been much of a cowboy
Never punched or roped
What was inside rarely mattered
And the trappings were just a joke

And there it goes tumblin
Just like a tumblin tumbleweed
Out of sight, never out of mind
Ridin the wind down a slippery slope

Till you found me staring
Like a man who can't see his own need,
never met his soul, but knows his mind
and is facing his own vanishing point

Lost my Stetson in the wind
On a rocky mountain climb
Couldn't get it back again
And eventually I'll stop trying

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License


G. Wilson said…
a hat a cowboy doesn't make
even a horse or ridin' the range
it's the love of the West
the mountain sunsets
the valley stretching out for miles
the sound of the coyote howl

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